Jewelry Insurance Issues Newsletter
Our informative FREE e-newsletter illuminates important jewelry issues that often raise readers’ eyebrows
We’d be happy to send you our free monthly e-newsletter. Each month Jewelry Insurance Issues is sent to thousands of insurance and jewelry professionals. You’d be surprised by some of the issues we cover. For example…
- Do you know that Moissanite is fake diamond? It’s nearly as hard a real diamond, even more brilliant, and costs about one-tenth the price. Worst of all, it fools many professionals. A trained gemologist can easily distinguish moissanite from real diamond under microscope magnification. As an agent, underwriter, or claims adjuster, knowing a few things about moissanite fakes could protect your customer, prevent fraud, and save your company from expensive embarrassment. Read more...
- Do you know that imprecise language can cost thousands? Gemological language is quite precise. Color descriptions do not depend on the poetic skills or hype of the appraiser, but have specific, agreed-upon meanings. For instance, an emerald’s color might be described as ”very slightly bluish Green” hue, “Medium Light” tone, and “Very Slightly Grayish” saturation. Precise descriptions are important since the price of a one-carat emerald, for example, can range from $40 to $10,000 depending on the quality. Again, knowing what to look for is essential for protecting both customer and company interests. Read more...
Current Issue
Check out the current issue: Wear and Tear
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