Course Outline for
8 hours
This is a day-long workshop consisting of two approved courses: #309114 (5 hours CE credit) and #309115 (3 hours credit in ETHICS). Those who have already completed Ethics requirements may take the workshop for 8 hours CE credit.
The thorough and up-beat presentation incorporates a steady stream of slides and video clips to illustrate appraisal problems and insurer solutions, and to help clarify jewelry terminology. A hands-on segment leads attendees in scoring typical appraisals received by insurers. Each participant in the workshop receives Jewelry Insurance: The Underwriting and Claims Reference Manual.
For underwriters, agents and adjusters who deal in personal jewelry insurance, the workshop covers:
- Overview of the jewelry industry
- Jeweler/appraiser processes, attitudes and credentials
- Coverage—definitions, options for insuring, in-depth look at standard jewelry policy
- Contract—loss and settlement issues as part of the contract
- Public Policy & Indemnification
- Rating & Underwriting
- Typical appraisal shortcomings
- Insurance industry's solution: Jewelry Appraisal Evaluation (ACORD/JISO form 18)
- Inflated appraisals—removing moral hazard
- In depth look at ACORD/JISO jewelry standards
- Multi-media introduction to jewelry terminology used in appraisals
- Hands-on appraisal scoring using ACORD/JISO 18
- Consumer info sources to recommend to insureds